97 Birdhouses

Two birdhouses, the one on the left for tits [vert. koolmezen] and the one on the right, for blue tits [vert. pimpelmezen]. The first has an opening diameter of 32 mm and the second one has an opening diameter of 28 mm. These are made of various kinds of wood. Not just for aesthetic purposes, but also to ensure that the birds can find their homes easier. That’s the idea, anyway. The inside features a smart perch designed for the landing and taking off of birds. This perch was highly recommended by a garden architect. The roof is removable for annual cleaning. The dimensions are in full compliance with the recommendations of the Dutch Association for the Protection of Birds. TEXT: VINCENT THOMAS

Materials: Different types of wooden plates, glue, screws, paint
Dimensions: 20 x 25 x 40 cm. Commissioned work

21 april 2023

6 may 2023